CJ Blancett - Founder CJ Founded "UCA" as an alternative to the uniparty and their assault on our Republic. CJ is a wife, mother, small business owner and retired Defense Investigator.
Our 2nd Amendment Pledge Our Founding Fathers were so insightful, that the 2nd Amendment was the second thing they added to the Constitution, right behind the right to free speech. Gun control has been at the forefront of every dictatorship throughout history, as it is the only thing that gives the ordinary citizen leverage against a tyrannical government. If you value your Freedom, never give up your 2A Right!
Our Law Enforcement Pledge Law Enforcement nationwide remains scrutinized and under attack for pledging to defend our citizens, cities, counties and states from criminals. Our organization will wholeheartedly support our men and women, and we will always and unapologetically Back the Blue.
Our Military Pledge In 1775 the Marine Corp, Army and Navy were founded, and in 1947 the Army Air Corp became our U.S. Air Force. Our organization will do all we can to assist our servicemen and women, and to never forget those that defended our nation and its Freedom for more than 200 years.